Saturday, May 11, 2013

Chasing Rabbits

from the memory banks of the rabbitgeek:

When dogs sleep on their side they sometimes move their legs like they are running. We would say they are chasing rabbits in their dreams.

When our sons were babies we would watch them sleeping and sometimes they would move their legs like they are running.  We smiled and would say they are chasing rabbits in their dreams.

Years go by. The boys join 4-H youth program and their livestock project is rabbits. So there are rabbit hutches in the backyard. Occasionally a rabbit escapes and it is general alarm/capture time. The yard is fenced and we check the fence regularly so they cannot get through it. The boys set up boxes as traps to chase rabbits into. The Dutch rabbits tend to stay low and the muscular bodies can be hard to get a grip on. The Standard Chinchilla rabbits would hop in the air like deer and a well timed grab would result in a capture.

During one escape as the boys and I are chasing a rabbit in the backyard, my lovely wife starts laughing and says "Remember when we used to say the boys are chasing rabbits in their dreams? They were getting ready for this!"

She was right.

Have a good day!

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