Sunday, March 27, 2011

Favorite Awards At Rabbit Shows

What is your favorite award at rabbit shows?

I like the coffee mugs, ball point pens, aprons, ball caps for Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex of Breed (BOB/BOSB).

I like to see carrier cages or folding chairs handed out for Best In Show and Reserve In Show (BIS/RIS).

At Livestock Nationals at Cow Palace, San Francisco, they handed out stadium blankets one year and little duffle bags on another year for BOB/BOSB for all the breeds entered!

One more thing.

Would rabbit clubs please include the rare breeds in the BOB/BOSB awards/prizes?

Many clubs do not give awards if there are less than 8 or 10 entries.

I know it is hard to justify a fancy award for a breed with a few entries, but if you could hand out a flat ribbon or something it would be much appreciated by the rare breed exhibitors.

Even if there was only one entry in a breed, it would be nice to get a flat ribbon for Best Of Breed. If clubs need to save the coffee mugs for the bigger entries that is understandable, but a flat ribbon doesn't cost that much.

It would be encouraging to the rare breed exhibitors and I think clubs would see an increase in the entries from these minority breeds. That would make for wider variety in the judging for Best in Show. In Calif there are 35 to 40 different breeds hitting the BIS judging table.

At one Youth show, there was a single Standard Chinchilla entry. That doe went to the BIS table and took Reserve In Show. She did not win a leg toward Grand Champion but she did win the RIS award (carrier cage from KW cages). And it made a youth exhibitor very happy.

So please remember the rare breeds when handing out BOB/BOSB ribbons.

Have a good day!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Rabbits Make Good Stew

This post was seen on -

Someone said it to me again today. Whenever someone finds out I have a pet rabbit, they tell me that rabbits make good stew.

Well I tried! I got a good recipe, bought all the ingredients and put them in the kitchen with Hershey the rabbit.
He didn't make anything!

Rabbits can't make good stew!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rabbit Fever on Today!

Rabbit Fever is everywhere!
NBC Today Show has booked Amy Do, director of the film "Rabbit Fever", to appear on the show on Friday morning this week.
Betty Chu was also invited to appear with her English Angora Lilianna and Lucianna, both multiple Best In Show winners.
Please watch the program on Friday morning. Betty will have reports of the trip and appearance on the blog when they fly back on Friday night.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Rabbit Showmanship

Question: Where can I find info on Rabbit Showmanship? Videos? Lots of details?

There are some good showmanship videos on youtube

Check out examples 1, 2, 3 showing 3 members doing their presentation.

There is also an ARBA Showmanship Standard

There is an older standard with a score sheet that is handy that you can download from the 4HRabbitList yahoo group files area

Have a good day!